Contact Us

Get in touch with us!

Before you email us please read:

Are you looking for information on clinical nutrition services/counseling? 

If you are looking for advice from a Registered Dietitian please redirect your request to either:

Are you emailing us to request we share something with our membership? If so, please read this. 

DNL will only share information that we deem credible and useful to members. 

Guidelines for acceptable correspondence/information that  we will consider sharing with our members include:

Ultimately, the DNL executive chooses what information is disseminated to its membership, and in general, we will not share solicitation-type emails or private business advertisements.  Personal membership information collected, such as names and emails,  is confidential and will not be shared with any outside groups, organizations, or people. 

General Inquiries: 

Lisa Dooley, RD

DNL Chair 

(709) 693-4213

Media Inquiries: 

Adrianna Smallwood, RD

NL DC Media Spokesperson