Dietitians of Newfoundland and Labrador (DNL) is a provincial advocacy group comprised of volunteer members who are dietitians,  dietetic students, dietetic interns, and retired dietitians. 

Our purpose is to impact the nutritional health and well-being of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians through advocacy on food and nutrition issues using a population health approach. 

Are you looking to connect with a Registered Dietitian in Newfoundland and Labrador? Try here:


New Book to Explore History and Impact of Nutrition Policy in Newfoundland and Labrador

We are really excited to announce the writing of a new book focused on telling the stories of Registered Dietitians and their practice in Newfoundland and Labrador. This is a passion project, an idea that started many years ago.”

• Glendora Boland, Retired Registered Dietitian, Fellow of Dietitians of Canada, Dietitians’ Book Project Lead

“... from food fortification, food security, school food policy and poverty reduction ... Registered Dietitians in Newfoundland and Labrador have (in many ways) paved the road for nutrition policy in our country. There is a rich and fascinating history.”

• Eleanor Swanson, Retired Registered Dietitian, Former Director of Health Promotion and Wellness, Government of NL

“Readers of this book will have their eyes opened to the vast history and influence of Dietitians in our province, from pre-Confederation to today. The return to breastfeeding as the cultural norm in our province is a great example of how far we have come. We want to make our professional colleagues aware of this project, so they can become engaged and share their experiences.”

• Janine Woodrow, Registered Dietitian, PhD


People: Profiles of Registered Dietitians (retired and practicing), researchers, academics, policy makers, activists with insights and thoughts about food, nutrition policy, professional development, and evolution

Policy: Legislation, health regulations, school food, food security, nutrition programs, and fortification

Practice: What do we eat? Why? How? 


Tell us your stories about your work in nutrition and food policy, your practice as a dietitian, and your efforts to advance health. We will be interviewing key informants and looking for pictures and examples of things you have used or created in your work.

Please get in touch with us by writing

~ Glendora Boland, Martha Muzychka, Eleanor Swanson & Janine Woodrow